Future of online Teaching

Online education is becoming more and more mainstream – there’s no question about that. But is it going to keep increasing in popularity, or will there be a move back towards classroom learning? Or maybe something different altogether?

While the future of education on the whole is pretty hard to predict with so many things happening in the education realm, we can look at this handy infographic below, which shows us some statistics about online education, which we can use to make predictions for the future!
Did You Know?
  1. 6,700,000 students enrolled in at least one online course in 2012
  2. That accounts for 32% of higher education enrollment
  3. 89% of universities offer some type of online courses
  4. Online courses are growing at a 10:1 ratio compared with traditional courses
  5. MOOCS seem to be the future of online learning, with big name key players, accreditation programs in the works, and increasing popularity among online learners

By Katie Lepi

source: http://www.edudemic.com/2013/07/the-past-present-and-future-of-online-education/